Orthodox Christianity
Discover the ancient faith and living tradition of the Orthodox Church, preserved in its fullness since the time of Christ and the Apostles
The Orthodox Faith
Orthodoxy means "right belief" and "right worship." The Orthodox Church has preserved the fullness of the Christian faith as handed down by Christ to the Apostles, maintaining the ancient traditions, liturgical practices, and spiritual teachings of the early Church without addition or subtraction.

Orthodox Beliefs
Orthodox Christianity holds to the ancient understanding of the Holy Trinity—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—one God in three persons. We confess Christ as fully God and fully human, whose incarnation, death, and resurrection reconcile humanity with God.
We honor the Theotokos (Mother of God) and the saints as examples of holiness and intercessors who pray with us. Icons are venerated as windows to heaven, not as idols but as representations of holy persons and events.
The Orthodox Church preserves the apostolic faith through Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition, guided by the Seven Ecumenical Councils, and teaches that salvation is a lifelong process of becoming more like Christ (theosis).